Alanna Pass

Ceramics, Printmaking & Painting
The creative process is an unending adventure for me.   I like to celebrate imperfection by exaggerating forms- especially the female figure. I like to tear paper rather than cut it. The interplay of positive and negative shapes, asymmetry & primitive symbolism are intriguing to to me and are often found in my work. No matter what the medium, I strive to express my life experience & fascinations.
I am a botanist and an artist. My home is an old farmhouse in the wine country of rural Oregon. My companions are a wonderful man & my dog, Bandit. I love my country life and exploring Oregon on foot, in a kayak & on cross-country skis.   I enjoy many creative pursuits; playing the bodhran (the Irish drum) and tenor guitar, singing in a women’s choir, writing poetry & making art. In the summer I have a big organic garden. Concepts from nature, spirituality, and my domestic experience inspire me. I like to experiment with a variety of different media in combination, including printmaking, ceramics, found sculpture, collage, and painting.
Ceramic Art
Ceramic Art
Ceramic Art
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