Renee Lorenze

Oil Paintings

I enjoy painting portraits of people, pets, fish… anything but landscapes.

 I’ve always had an interest in art but worked in insurance until 2002 when my husband became vice president of a startup insurance company, and we moved from Seattle to Los Angeles.  In Los Angeles I left insurance and decided to do the things I’d always wanted to do. I took art classes at College of the Canyons in Valencia and joined the Santa Clarita Artists Association.

 When my husband retired in 2007 we moved to McMinnville and I started Ford Street Studio where I concentrated on portraits.  I also began painting with a group called All Media Painters, (now Back Door Studio Painters). We meet at Currents Gallery’s Back Door Studio.


"The Boo Boo Face", Oil

"The Box Cat", Oil

" Koi Pond", Oil

"Lady in Red",

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 or visit Currents Gallery to see the entire collection.